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Foods That Can Help Melt Away Abdominal Fat

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By Emily Lockhart

Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE

Is an emerging muffin top making you a little cagey when it comes to ditching those thick sweat pants for a pair of teeny-tiny jean shorts?

Luckily, there are 9 efficient foods, that when combined with exercise, will help you melt away that muffin top in preparation for warmer weather…


Oats are jam-packed with fat-blasting fiber. Not only do they keep your hunger satiated for longer, they also stabilize your blood sugar levels – keeping from releasing too much of the hormone that tells the body to store fat and ceasing those mid-day and late-night snack cravings.


Those fresh and juicy mini blues (even if they’re frozen) are super high in antioxidants, which boost your energy levels. They also pack a powerful fiber and tannin combo punch, which reduces inflammation in the digestive system to help you shed unwanted bloat and pounds.


A great grab-on-the-go snack, apples are a fiber-rich food source as well as a great source of pectin, both of which cause the stomach to feel satisfied for longer.

Greek Yogurt

Not only is it high in protein, Greek yogurt (in particular) contains live digestive cultures, which boost immune strength and encourage healthy digestion. Plus, you can add yogurt to almost any breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack-sized meal and blast belly bloat in the process.

Wild Salmon

A moist and flaky protein and essential fatty acid source, wild salmon filets promote fat loss by regulating certain hormone levels and balancing blood sugar, which lessens food cravings while encouraging calorie burn.


Just a handful of this protein-packed nut makes the perfect emergency snack when paired with fruits, veggie sticks, or sprinkled on a salad. It’s not only a metabolism-boosting source of protein; it’s a filling one too!


Known as a “superfood” due to the fact that it’s packed with vitamins and nutrients—like beta carotene, vitamin C, calcium, folate, and magnesium—spinach is the green that goes with anything—salads, omelets, sauces, sandwiches, and smoothies.

Chili Pepper

Spicy peppers like the chili contain a particularly metabolism-boosting chemical called capsaicin, which is what gives these spicy suckers their bite!


Gone are the days when eggs (and yolks) were considered bad for your heart. Sure, you shouldn’t eat them every day, but eggs pack protein, amino acids, and healthy fats that boost metabolism to keep you satisfied and energized.

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Julie Ching is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator in Los Angeles. She decided to become a Dietitian after traveling through Europe, South America, and Asia and discovered a passion for food. She now works with people of all ages and varying disease states to improve their health. She is passionate about teaching people about nutrition so they can live their best life while still considering their cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

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